5-12-19 Southeast from Van Horn on US 90

... is a trip. You can see stereotypical, atypical, and quirky West Texas in a 70-mile stretch on US 90 from Van Horn to Marfa.  It can take less than an hour to drive, but do not rush it.

See the stereotypical Western vistas that might seem like a movie set, endless horizon, distant mountains, ranches, and historical marker.

And listen to the silence (turn up the volume), punctuated by a few birds and an occasional car imperceptibly approaching, roaring by, then disappearing back into the vastness. Hear the silence and birds again.

Then the atypical--but only to a point.

And the quirky.  Marfa Prada.  Or maybe Prada Marfa. Whatever.

Who thinks of these things?

If you want more on the road from Van Horn to Marfa, go here. For Marfa Prada (or Prada Marfa) specifically, here.