5-15-19 Refugio, Goliad and Texas, American, & Mexican wars

Leaving Corpus, over the bridge visible from Whataburger Field, and blue at night, up through southeastern Texas.

In 1836, Refugio was the site of an legendary battle in Texas' war of independence against Mexico. The Texans were defeated at Refugio but apparently inflicted serious damage to the Mexican army. A park, statue, and plaques celebrate the fallen Texans. 25 miles north of Refugio is Presidio La Bahía in Goliad. This was an important Spanish outpost founded in 1721 and the site of storied battles during Texans' war against Mexico. This piece of land was much fought over; political control changed 9 times after the Spanish first claimed the area in 1519. The fortress itself is elegant and imposing. The surrounding land is green with splashes of colorful wildflowers.