5-14-19 Palo Alto Battlefield and Corpus Christi Hooks

Just outside of Brownsville there is the Palo Alto Battlefield National Historical Park commemorating the first major battle of the U.S.-Mexican War of 1846-48. Along with the Louisiana Purchase and other 19th century events, this battle and the war that followed fundamentally changed the North American political map. A display at the visitors' center shows how the conquest led to the US's doubling in size. Outside you can see the battlefield, read the historical markers, and imagine the brutal bloody conflict, one of an interminable string of such conflicts the world over, before and since, for territory and dominion. See a video and more pictures.

And then for something completely different... on to Corpus Christi (or just "Corpus" as the locals say) for some minor league baseball at Whataburger Field, home of the CC Hooks.

A wonderful little stadium with a view of one of the many bridges connecting chunks of mainland and islands in this coastal city and its surroundings. At night, the bridge turns an iridescent blue. The whole experience had a sort of small hometown feel that I've never experienced at an MLB park. Maybe it was the organ playing Take Me Out to the Ballgame during the seventh inning stretch rather than the deafening racket and relentlessly concussive sound systems I'm used to. Or maybe it was the modest prices... $15 for a ticket almost on the field, which would have cost 10x that at an MLB park. And the baseball was pretty good, I'd say about 75% of the quality you get in the big leagues.  So 75% of the baseball for 10% of the price and a better more relaxing experience (unquantifiable). Bummer there are no minor league teams around where I live.